Monday 10 February 2014

Serena by Ron Rash

“Dwelling on the past, the very thing Serena had shown him he, and they, had no need of”

Being a stickler for reading books before they are adapted into films, I was seduced by the possibility of discovering another book before having a director's viewpoint imposed on me. What an amazing tale, with some truly ornery types. Think depression era Lady Macbeth who runs a timber empire with her husband.

Now if only hubby had kept it in his pants before marriage and not had to deal with a ruined local girl and a bastard baby to boot. Who could have predicted what would happen to his seemingly unbreakable wife. Prepare for a body count.

What I find really interesting is that the adaptation will star Jennifer Lawrence who comes across as really adorable and here will play something beyond a word that rhymes with witch. Jealousy is a curse, but unfettered power plus jealousy equals shaky ground for anyone who gets in the way of Serena's serenity.

I pretty much flew through the pages of this one. It is an easy read and if you like conniving anti-heroes and believe revenge is a dish that you could eat no matter when, or how cold it is, then definitely check it out. If you are easily put off by horrible people and live a lovely sheltered life, please let me know your secret, and hold off on this book.

5 out of 5, the author maybe Rash  but don't you judge the cover that way.

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