Saturday 17 August 2013

The Seducer's Diary by Søren Kierkegaard

"Young girls give me pleasure more than ever and still I have no desire to enjoy them."

Poor Cordelia, like so many young girls, falls victim to the attentions of a creepy, immature Johannes who believes he is the ultimate master manipulator when it comes to the fairer sex. In his sad little mind, women are only of interest when they are young and innocent enough to put up with his pathetic poetry and game playing. I did not enjoy this book and it is a SLIM volume.
While he might provide linguistic aerobatics going from one language to another, there is something really annoyingly self important about the narrator that brought on my gag reflex. This is particularly hilarious when you consider I was reading American Psycho  at the same time. Perhaps it is that he puts so much emphasis on trying to excite interest and then not really making good on it - he appears only in it for the self satisfaction  attained through the power he has over others.
The Penguin Great Loves series takes some pretty wide views on the nature of love, which is intriguing I suppose and yet this one did nothing for me.
1 out of 5 flowery prose is pretty but the sentiments are a little empty.

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